Frequently Asked Questions
Drum Questions
Unfortunately, we cannot customize PDP kits. However, add-on drums and various drum mounts, racks and hardware options are available, making a custom-like set-up a reality.
Caring for any of our lacquer finishes could be compared to caring for your car. Since our lacquers are of the same caliber as those in the auto industry, we recommend a similar process. For a thorough cleaning, we suggest you remove all lugs and hardware from the shell. Clean the drums with a solution of mild detergent (dishwashing soap works well) and water, then dry completely with a soft clean cloth. To add a great shine, procure a petroleum-based liquid wax from an auto parts store. Follow the directions on the wax using small amounts on a soft clean cloth. Applied sparingly will yield the best results.
A light dusting will generally do in most cases for matte finishes. For a more thorough cleaning, use a damp (not wet) rag and dry the shell immediately after. You may find it easier to clean the shell by removing the lugs and hardware. If you want to restore a little luster to the shell, use Minwax Tung Oil (found at most paint or hardware stores). After removing the lugs and cleaning the shells as described above, rub small amounts of the Minwax onto the shell. Using a clean cloth, rub it in thoroughly until it disappears. This is something that need not be done more than once a year.
Covered finishes can be cleaned with a solution of mild detergent (dishwashing soap works well) and water. For a thorough cleaning, remove all lugs and hardware from the shell.
At PDP, we tune both heads to the same pitch. We recommend using single ply heads to achieve the maximum resonance. To begin, place the drum on a carpeted floor or on a towel over a table. Start with the bottom head making sure it is seated evenly with the tension rods finger tight. As you tap lightly on the head at each tension rod (about an inch in from the counterhoop), slowly tighten them. It works well if you start at a specific tension rod then move across the drum to the opposite one - then move two over - then across - and so on. Bring the tone up a little each time you go around the drum. To eliminate some overtones place your finger lightly on the center of the drumhead as you tap. Go to every other tension rod to fine-tune it, from one to the next. In the end, the pitch should be the same at each rod. What pitch that will be is up to you. The drum will hum once the shell's fundamental pitch is found with a sound similar to tuning a guitar by playing harmonic notes. When you're satisfied with that, flip the drum over and do the same on the top head. Be patient and don't be afraid to experiment. You can always try again. For a great pitch-bend, tune the bottom head down just a little. For the bass drum, tune the heads as loosely as possible - just enough to eliminate any wrinkles. Use the same tuning pattern above to achieve an equal pitch at each tension rod.
It is very important to protect your drums from damage and temperature extremes. It is recommended that cases or soft bags be used when transporting and storing drums. If your drums are set up for an extended period of time, keep them covered. Keep drums away from and out of damp or cold areas.
Extreme temperature shifts within a short period of time do pose a potential hazard to drum shells and their finishes. As humidity and temperature change, the moisture content within the cells of the wood is affected. This can make the shells expand or contract, warp or even crack. A general consensus among drum manufacturers has been that drums are safe and comfortable when stored in an environment in which you are comfortable in.
Maple shells naturally have long and slow sustain ratios causing a warm and resonant tone throughout the drum. Birchwood shells tend to contain opposite tonal properties from maple. Birch naturally has short, fast sustain ratios causing a higher pitch and greater attack velocity.
We do not offer any type of refinishing service. You may consider contacting a drum specialist or drum dealer in your area for further information on companies that specialize in refinishing.
Pedal / Hardware Questions
To clean the stands or lugs and counter-hoops on your drums, most household appliance cleaners will work fine. Avoid any product that contains ammonia.
You can buy replacement parts for pedals and hardware directly from PDP at or through your local dealer.
General Questions
Please click here to learn about the PDP endorser application process on our website.
We have some criteria for opening Authorized Dealers. You would need a commercial retail storefront that actually transfers product to the end user in-person. You would also need to hold a business license in the state you intend to operate your business in. If you meet the qualifications above, we can send you all the necessary paperwork to get an account arranged for you.
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